Booking an MLD massage
Here’s some good news: if you are generally healthy, you can book MLD massage as often as you want!
Having a session every few months can be beneficial for maintaining optimal lymphatic function (I often suggest having a massage when the seasons change). Additionally, scheduling a massage when you experience stress, fatigue, allergies, or other feelings of unwellness can help to alleviate these symptoms.
Booking before something flares up
Prevention is always better than cure, right?
If you know you are prone to flare-ups of symptoms such as PMS-related migraines or abdominal water retention, consider booking a session a couple of days before the anticipated onset.
Booking MLD treatments post-surgery
If you have undergone surgery, MLD can help manage post-operative pain, swelling, and fibrosis.
Following your surgeon's advice and consulting with them before booking a session is recommended.
Everyone is unique, and you may feel comfortable coming in immediately after surgery. However, I don’t suggest booking multiple massages the first week after cosmetic surgery, as you can’t predict how you might feel or how mobile you will be.
Most people wait 4-7 days after surgery before having a massage, and it is advisable to start with 1 or 2 sessions per week to stimulate lymphatic flow and reduce swelling. We can discuss your concerns once we meet and go from there.
Booking MLD to help manage lymphedema & lipedema
If you are managing lymphedema or lipedema, compression garments, deep breathing, yoga, and light exercise can help to keep your lymphatic system functioning optimally. In this case, occasional maintenance massages can be beneficial to boost lymphatic flow.
If you experience a gradual increase in swelling that doesn't go away, booking more regular sessions to manage the condition is recommended.
Here are some tips to keep in mind if you have an impaired lymphatic system:
- Be careful of shaving with a razor in any areas with lymph node removal
- Protect your skin from sunburns
- Keep an eye on bites and scratches
- Limit activities such as excessive gardening or doing yard work on a hot day
- Wear compression when exercising and during long flights
Frequency depends on your needs
In conclusion, the frequency of MLD massage depends on your needs and health status. I hope this article has given you an idea of how you may approach booking manual drainage massage.

Personalized MLD Treatment Plans for Your Unique Needs
MLD massage can benefit various conditions, including post-op recovery, lymphedema prevention and management, sprains, inflammatory diseases, and general wellness. Take care of your body: book a session today to experience this gentle yet effective therapy.