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Connective Tissue Health: A Closer Look at the Face

A face massage is a natural way to help you look and feel your best. The muscles and connective tissue of the face and neck are focused on, aiming to affect both the physical and visual signs related to normal aging and life’s stressors.

What is connective tissue?

Connective tissue is a diverse group of tissues that includes bone, cartilage, adipose (fat) tissue, blood, and lymph. It is composed of an extracellular matrix – a mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, and water – that surrounds and supports the cells of the tissue.

The many jobs of connective tissue include:

  • Protecting organs such as the brain and spinal cord
  • Providing structural support to organs and tissues
  • Facilitating the transport of nutrients and waste products throughout the body
  • Helping with immunity and inflammation

What is involved during a face massage treatment?

Face massage therapy combines therapeutic massage, lymphatic drainage, and targeted muscle stimulation for the face, neck, and décolletage. The intra-oral component focusing on the mouth and cheek areas.

Developed by Yakov Gershkovich, a Russian esthetician and massage therapist, Sculptural Face Lifting (SFL) forms the background of my training. SFL aims to enhance circulation and address muscle and connective tissue imbalances. The method particularly targets mimic muscles (those responsible for facial expressions) which can contribute to tension and natural aging-related changes.

As a certified massage therapist practicing in British Columbia, I integrate SFL techniques while adhering to CCHPBC guidelines, focusing solely on the therapeutic and relaxation benefits rather than aesthetic outcomes.

I was drawn to SFL as a natural extension of my facial lymphatic drainage practice, appreciating its unique approach. The technique offers both relaxation and stimulation, making it a valuable addition to my facial massage services when clients want longer and intensive face massage.

Why is booking a face massage important?

Like the rest of the body, the face ages and changes throughout your lifetime.

Potential changes include:

  • Slower lymphatic drainage and overall circulation
  • Increased water retention and swelling
  • Less collagen production
  • Increased inflammation and tissue congestion
  • Imbalanced muscle tone and jaw tension
  • Visual facial stress

What does a face massage feel like?

During a session, the technique involves upward strokes of the face, décolletage, and neck tissues. The pace and depth of the strokes will depend on your specific needs. Most people feel energized and lighter after the treatment like their face is tingling.

How does it work?

The nervous system controls mimic muscles, the small facial expression muscles that move the face, including lifting the eyebrows, smiling and frowning. When we feel happiness, sadness, or surprise, the nervous system sends signals to the mimic muscles, causing them to contract and produce a facial expression.

Regular face massage sessions help target muscular imbalance and connective tissue restrictions formed by over or under-use of mimic muscles by stimulating sensory proprioceptors.

The intra-oral component is an essential part of this technique. Massaging the inside of the mouth and cheek helps ease tension and trigger points, fascial restrictions, and more.

Activating proprioceptors

Sensory receptors, called proprioceptors, are located all over the body and respond to changes in temperature, pain, and the position and tension in muscles, skin, and connective tissue.

Massage activates proprioceptors, which constantly communicate with the brain and nervous system, stimulating them by trying to balance the facial muscles and relax restrictive connective tissue. The brain can “re-learn” healthy tone, posture, and muscle function.

Putting it all together

Here’s a quick recap of the potential benefits of having your face massaged:

  • It's a natural way to address symptoms related to daily stress and other life experiences
  • It helps ease mimic and jaw muscle tension
  • Promotes skin and connective tissue health by improving the circulation of micronutrients
  • It increases lymphatic vessel contraction for better drainage
  • Suitable for both women and men
  • It helps create awareness of how feelings reflect on the face through facial expression
  • It is helpful for headaches, sinusitis and nasal congestion, dentist-related anxiety, jaw tension, and more!
  • The inside of the mouth and cheek are treated for 15 minutes, aiming to relax tension
  • You leave your session feeling GREAT
    Headshot of Catherine Walton, RMT

    Look and Feel Your Best

    Get ready to experience the therapeutic benefits of a face massage treatment. Book your massage today and see the results for yourself!
